Lakeview United Church of Christ
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Lakeview United Church of Christ

Lakeview United Church of Christ
Lakeview United Church of Christ
Annual Congregational Meeting- Jan 19th

January 19, 2025: Lakeview UCC's Annual Congregational Meeting & The Lakeview...
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Our Story

Lakeview United Church of Christ was founded as Faith Community UCC in 1964 under the leadership of Rev. Arthur Waidman. It was a merger of two German Evangelical Churches, one in Fosters and the other at what was about to become the interchange of I-275 and Montgomery Road.

A couple of years later Landen city developers urged the major cooperating denominations of the area to agree on which one would do a new church start as an ecumenical project, and that one could have the current site at no cost. And here we are--but not quite! Under Rev. Waidman's leadership the two former churches were sold, and the funds realized were used to build the "church house", now Hope Homes (a long-term housing agency for mentally handicapped elderly) located just south of the church campus.

The "house" served as parsonage and church meeting place. Rev. Waidman left soon after to pursue another call, and a ministry was provided on a part-time basis by Rev. Donald Calvert and Rev.George Siddall. In 1976 our first church unit was built (now called Fellowship Hall). Student Norman Haag had assumed leadership a few years earlier. The Fellowship Chapel on Columbia Road north of King's Island had been included in the operation which was now functioning somewhat as a multi-point charge, called Columbia Road UCC. In 1978 Mr. Haag moved from the area to complete his work at Bangor Seminary in New England. With student Georgann Hilbert, Rev. Dick Glatfelter began a part-time pastorate January 1, 1979.

The two churches worked hard and discussed a wide range of goals, but it became clear that there were questions concerning how they would embrace the UCC, with its social action goals, ecumenical nature, and contemporary education emphasis. At a Council meeting in February of 1980, one of the Council members offered a proposal that they would disband and that here, in this place, the United Church of Christ could make a new beginning, a new mission church! It seemed pretty far out, but that's exactly what happened.

Once Columbia Road UCC ceased to exist, a mission committee was appointed and Rev. Dave Schwab was called as the colonizing pastor. With God's help, this small church became Lakeview UCC. As the years went by, the congregation grew, founded a popular preschool, built a sanctuary, and added a Christian Education wing.   Over the years, the membership has expanded and contracted, but Lakeview UCC continues to focus on discerning God's will, serving Christ, and following the Spirit to reach out to our community and live into God's Kingdom. We hope that you will come visit and worship with us.

Lakeview United Church of Christ
Lakeview United Church of Christ
Lakeview United Church of Christ
Lakeview United Church of Christ

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